ervice to the great goddess, Pagan lyrics, New Age, mother goddess

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The following poem is a service
I wrote myself some years ago.
The first paragraph goes
back to an old latin source.

Hail to thee Allmother Nature,
Ruler of the elements, Firstborn child of time,
Highest of all gods, Queen of the souls,
First of the Heavenly, Though unit in thee,
the shapes of all gods and goddesses.

Hail to thee, Mistress of the thousand names
Oh Allmother Nature, great goddess,
Inanna, Isis, Morigu
Thy names are sacred and blessed
Thy cult is for ever and ever
Queen of the souls, thou rule from the first birth
of the time to the ending of all times.

Eons over Eons , we praise thy godly names
Eons over Eons, thou are the empress of life,
 tender custodian of birth, sweet and caring
protector of growth, giving and sharing
heavenly lady of love, merciful and loving
guardian of worlds

Eons over Eons, we praise thy godly names
Eons over Eons, thou are the empress of life,
sudden messenger of death, furious and raging
angel of revenge, cruel and bitter raven of war,
merciless and shattering destroyer of worlds.

Hail to thee, mistress of the thousand names
Oh Allmother nature, great goddess,
Inanna, Isis, Morigu
Thy names are sacred and blessed.
Thy cult is for ever and ever.
Queen of the souls, thou rule from the first birth
of time to the ending of all times.

Highest of all Heavenly,
ruler of thousand worlds,
goddess with the thousand names,
firstborn child of time, saviour of justice,
givess of live, we pray to thee,
we praise thy godly names every day,
we worship thee in all thy incarnations.

Eons over Eons, we praise thy godly names,
Eons over Eons, thou are the empress of life,
Eons over Eons, guide us through thy times,
Eons over Eons,
we call upon thy thousand names,
and it shall never fail.



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